Processing Kafka Message after the defined time in message in Spring Boot KafkaListener
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Processing Kafka Message after the defined time in message in Spring Boot KafkaListener

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As developers, we often encounter scenarios where we need to process Kafka messages after a certain delay or at a specific time. This can be achieved by making use of Spring Boot’s KafkaListener and custom deserialization. In this article, we will explore how to process Kafka messages after the time defined in the message itself using Spring Boot KafkaListener.

Why do we need this?

In many real-world scenarios, we might need to process messages after a certain delay or at a specific time. For example, let’s consider an e-commerce platform that sends order confirmations to customers via email. The confirmation email should be sent after a certain delay, say 30 minutes, to ensure that the order has been successfully processed. Similarly, in a banking application, payment notifications might need to be sent after a certain delay to ensure that the payment has been successfully processed.

How does it work?

The idea is to include a timestamp or delay in the Kafka message itself. When the message is consumed by the KafkaListener, it checks the timestamp or delay and decides whether to process the message immediately or schedule it for later processing. This can be achieved by using Spring Boot’s KafkaListener and custom deserialization.

Creating a custom deserializer

To include the timestamp or delay in the Kafka message, we need to create a custom deserializer that can deserialize the message and extract the timestamp or delay. Let’s create a custom deserializer for our Kafka message:

public class CustomDeserializer implements Deserializer<MyMessage> {

    public void configure(Map<String, ?> configs, boolean isKey) {
        // No-op

    public MyMessage deserialize(String topic, byte[] data) {
        try {
            MyMessage message = Json.mapper.readValue(data, MyMessage.class);
            return message;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SerializationException("Error deserializing message", e);

    public void close() {
        // No-op

Creating a KafkaListener

Now that we have our custom deserializer, let’s create a KafkaListener that can consume messages from a Kafka topic:

@KafkaListener(topics = "my-topic")
public class MyKafkaListener {

    private MyService myService;

    public void onError(Throwable t) {
        // Log the error

    public void onMessage(MyMessage message) {
        // Check if the message needs to be processed immediately or scheduled for later
        if (message.getDelay() > 0) {
            // Schedule the message for later processing
        } else {
            // Process the message immediately

Scheduling messages for later processing

To schedule messages for later processing, we can use Spring Boot’sScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor to schedule the message processing. Let’s create a service that can schedule messages for later processing:

public class MyService {

    private TaskScheduler taskScheduler;

    public void scheduleMessageForProcessing(MyMessage message) {
        long delay = message.getDelay();
        taskScheduler.schedule(() -> processMessage(message), new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + delay));

    public void processMessage(MyMessage message) {
        // Process the message
        System.out.println("Processing message: " + message);

Configuring the KafkaListener

To configure the KafkaListener, we need to specify the custom deserializer and the Kafka topic. Let’s add the following configuration to our application configuration file:

      value-deserializer: com.example.CustomDeserializer
      bootstrap-servers: localhost:9092
      group-id: my-group
      auto-offset-reset: earliest
      value-deserializer: com.example.CustomDeserializer

Testing the application

To test the application, let’s send a message to the Kafka topic with a delay of 30 seconds:

public class MyTest {

    private KafkaTemplate<String, MyMessage> kafkaTemplate;

    public void testMessageProcessing() {
        MyMessage message = new MyMessage("Hello, World!", 30000);
        kafkaTemplate.send("my-topic", message);
        // Wait for 30 seconds
        // Verify that the message has been processed


In this article, we explored how to process Kafka messages after the time defined in the message itself using Spring Boot KafkaListener. We created a custom deserializer to extract the timestamp or delay from the message, and a KafkaListener to consume messages from a Kafka topic. We also scheduled messages for later processing using Spring Boot’s ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor. By following these steps, you can process Kafka messages after a certain delay or at a specific time, which can be useful in many real-world scenarios.


The approach described in this article provides several benefits, including:

  • Flexibility: You can define the delay or timestamp in the message itself, giving you more flexibility in processing messages.
  • Scalability: By scheduling messages for later processing, you can handle large volumes of messages without affecting the performance of your application.
  • Reliability: You can ensure that messages are processed after a certain delay or at a specific time, even in the event of failures or restarts.

Best practices

When implementing this approach, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Use a consistent format for the timestamp or delay in the message.
  2. Error handling: Implement robust error handling to handle cases where the message cannot be processed after the delay.
  3. Monitoring: Monitor the scheduled messages to ensure that they are being processed correctly and on time.
  4. Testing: Thoroughly test the application to ensure that messages are being processed correctly after the delay.
Scenario Delay/ Timestamp Processing Time
Order confirmation 30 minutes After 30 minutes
Payment notification 1 hour After 1 hour
Email verification 5 minutes After 5 minutes

This table illustrates different scenarios where processing Kafka messages after a certain delay or at a specific time is useful. By using the approach described in this article, you can implement such scenarios in your application.

I hope this article has been helpful in explaining how to process Kafka messages after the time defined in the message itself using Spring Boot KafkaListener. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Spring Boot KafkaListener and learn how to process Kafka messages after a defined time!

How does Spring Boot KafkaListener handle messages with timestamps?

Spring Boot KafkaListener uses the timestamp embedded in the Kafka message to determine when to process the message. You can specify a timestamp extractor in your KafkaListener configuration to extract the timestamp from the message. This allows the listener to delay processing of the message until the specified timestamp has been reached.

What if I want to process messages after a specific delay?

You can use the @KafkaListener’s `delay` attribute to specify a fixed delay in milliseconds after which the message should be processed. For example, `@KafkaListener(topics = “myTopic”, delay = 30000)` would process messages 30 seconds after they are received.

Can I use a custom timestamp extractor in my KafkaListener?

Yes, you can create a custom timestamp extractor by implementing the `TimestampExtractor` interface. This allows you to extract the timestamp from the message based on your specific requirements. You can then specify the custom extractor in your KafkaListener configuration using the `timestamp-extractor` attribute.

How does Spring Boot KafkaListener handle out-of-order messages?

By default, Spring Boot KafkaListener processes messages in the order they are received. However, if you need to process messages in a specific order (e.g., based on a timestamp), you can configure the listener to use a `TimestampOrder preserves` strategy. This ensures that messages are processed in the order of their timestamps, even if they are received out of order.

What if I want to process messages based on a specific condition?

You can use a `KafkaCondition` to specify a custom condition under which a message should be processed. For example, you can create a condition that checks the message’s timestamp and only processes messages that meet a certain criteria. This allows you to fine-tune the processing of your Kafka messages based on your specific business requirements.