Getting Heap Storage with Proper Alignment in C++ for Overaligned Types
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Getting Heap Storage with Proper Alignment in C++ for Overaligned Types

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In the world of C++ programming, memory management is a crucial aspect of writing efficient and error-free code. When dealing with overaligned types, which require more memory space than the standard alignment, it’s essential to get heap storage with proper alignment to avoid common pitfalls like memory corruption and program crashes. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of C++ memory management and explore the ways to get heap storage with proper alignment for overaligned types.

What are Overaligned Types?

Before we dive into the main topic, let’s understand what overaligned types are. In C++, the alignment of a type refers to the minimum number of bytes that must be allocated for that type to ensure proper memory access. For most types, the alignment is the same as the size of the type. However, some types require more memory space than their actual size due to various reasons like:

  • Structures containing large data members
  • Classes with virtual functions
  • Types with complex memory layouts

These types are known as overaligned types, and they require special handling when it comes to memory allocation.

The Problem with Default Memory Allocation

When you use the default `new` operator or `malloc` function to allocate memory for an overaligned type, the compiler or runtime environment may not provide the required alignment. This can lead to:

  • Memory corruption due to misaligned access
  • Program crashes or undefined behavior
  • Inconsistent behavior across different platforms

To avoid these issues, you need to ensure that the memory allocation provides the required alignment for the overaligned type.

Using std::align to Get Proper Alignment

In C++11 and later, the `std::align` function provides a way to allocate memory with a specific alignment. This function takes two arguments: the alignment requirement and the size of the memory block to allocate.

#include <memory>

void* ptr = std::align(alignof(MyOveralignedType), sizeof(MyOveralignedType), nullptr, 0);

In the above code, `alignof` is a keyword that returns the alignment requirement of the `MyOveralignedType` type. The `std::align` function returns a pointer to the allocated memory block, which is guaranteed to have the specified alignment.

Using std::aligned_storage to Get Proper Alignment

Another way to get proper alignment is to use the `std::aligned_storage` class template. This class template provides a type that can store a value of the specified type with the required alignment.

#include <type_traits>

using AlignedStorage = std::aligned_storage<sizeof(MyOveralignedType), alignof(MyOveralignedType)>;

AlignedStorage storage;
MyOveralignedType* ptr = new (&storage) MyOveralignedType();

In the above code, the `std::aligned_storage` class template is used to create a type that can store a value of the `MyOveralignedType` type with the required alignment. The `new` operator is then used to construct an object of the `MyOveralignedType` type within the aligned storage.

Using Custom Allocators for Proper Alignment

In some cases, you may need more control over the memory allocation process. This is where custom allocators come into play. A custom allocator is a class that provides a way to allocate and deallocate memory with specific alignment requirements.

class MyAllocator {
    void* allocate(size_t size, size_t alignment) {
        return std::aligned_alloc(alignment, size);

    void deallocate(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment) {

MyAllocator allocator;
MyOveralignedType* ptr = new (allocator.allocate(sizeof(MyOveralignedType), alignof(MyOveralignedType))) MyOveralignedType();

In the above code, the `MyAllocator` class provides a custom allocator that uses the `std::aligned_alloc` function to allocate memory with the required alignment. The `new` operator is then used to construct an object of the `MyOveralignedType` type within the allocated memory.

Best Practices for Memory Management with Overaligned Types

When working with overaligned types, it’s essential to follow best practices for memory management to avoid common pitfalls. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Always use `std::align` or `std::aligned_storage` to ensure proper alignment when allocating memory for overaligned types.
  2. Use custom allocators when more control over the memory allocation process is required.
  3. Avoid using default memory allocation functions like `new` and `malloc` without proper alignment.
  4. Document the alignment requirements of your types to ensure that other developers are aware of the specific needs.
  5. Test your code thoroughly to ensure that it works correctly with overaligned types.


In conclusion, getting heap storage with proper alignment is crucial when working with overaligned types in C++. By using `std::align`, `std::aligned_storage`, or custom allocators, you can ensure that your code is efficient, error-free, and portable across different platforms. Remember to follow best practices for memory management, and always document the alignment requirements of your types. With these techniques and guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to mastering C++ memory management for overaligned types.

Function/Class Template Description
std::align Returns a pointer to the allocated memory block with the specified alignment.
std::aligned_storage Provides a type that can store a value of the specified type with the required alignment.
std::aligned_alloc Returns a pointer to the allocated memory block with the specified alignment (C++17 and later).
alignof Returns the alignment requirement of a type.

Note: This article focuses on the C++11 standard and later. If you’re working with earlier versions of the standard, some of the functions and class templates mentioned may not be available. Always check the documentation for your specific compiler and standard version.

Frequently Asked Question

Let’s dive into the world of C++ and explore the mysteries of getting heap storage with proper alignment for overaligned types!

What is an overaligned type in C++?

An overaligned type in C++ is a type that requires more alignment than the maximum alignment required by the implementation for any scalar type. This can happen when using specialized instructions or specific hardware features that require specific memory alignment.

Why do I need to worry about alignment when using heap storage in C++?

When using heap storage, you need to ensure that the memory is properly aligned for the type being stored. If the memory is not properly aligned, you may encounter issues such as crashes, undefined behavior, or even security vulnerabilities.

How do I get heap storage with proper alignment in C++ for overaligned types?

You can use the `std::aligned_storage` utility in C++ to get heap storage with proper alignment for overaligned types. This utility allows you to specify the size and alignment required for the type, and it will return a properly aligned block of memory.

What is the difference between `std::aligned_storage` and `std::aligned_storage_t` in C++?

`std::aligned_storage` is a utility that returns a type that represents a block of memory with specified size and alignment, while `std::aligned_storage_t` is an alias template that simplifies the syntax for using `std::aligned_storage`. `std::aligned_storage_t` is a more convenient and expressive way to use `std::aligned_storage`.

Can I use `new` and `delete` with overaligned types in C++?

Yes, you can use `new` and `delete` with overaligned types in C++, but you need to use the `std::aligned_storage` utility to ensure proper alignment. You can use `std::aligned_storage` to allocate memory with proper alignment and then use placement new to construct the object in that memory.

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