Unlocking the Power of Android Studio: How to Use a Module Inside Another Module
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Unlocking the Power of Android Studio: How to Use a Module Inside Another Module

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Are you tired of duplicating code and struggling to maintain a clean project structure in Android Studio? Do you want to learn the secret to reusing code and making your development process more efficient? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the magic of using an Android Studio module inside another module, and show you how to unlock the full potential of this powerful feature.

What are Android Studio Modules?

In Android Studio, a module is a self-contained unit of code that can be compiled and built independently. Modules are the building blocks of an Android project, and they can contain a range of components, such as activities, fragments, services, and more. By default, each Android project has at least one module, known as the “app” module, which contains the main application code.

Why Use Multiple Modules?

So, why would you want to use multiple modules in your Android project? Here are just a few reasons:

  • Code Reusability**: By breaking down your code into smaller, independent modules, you can reuse code across multiple projects, reducing duplication and making maintenance a breeze.
  • Flexibility**: Modules give you the flexibility to work on different features and components separately, making it easier to collaborate with team members and manage complex projects.
  • Organization**: Multiple modules help keep your project organized, making it easier to navigate and understand the codebase.

Using a Module Inside Another Module

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into the good stuff! To use a module inside another module, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a New Module

First, create a new module in your Android project. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Android project in Android Studio.
  2. Click on “File” > “New” > “New Module…”
  3. In the “Create New Module” dialog, select “Android Library” as the module type.
  4. Choose a name for your new module, and click “Finish.”
Note: Make sure to choose a unique name for your new module, as this will be used to identify it in your project.

Step 2: Add the New Module to Your Project

Next, you’ll need to add the new module to your project. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the “settings.gradle” file in your project root.
  2. Add the following line to the “include” section:
    include ':newmodule'
    (Replace “newmodule” with the name of your new module).
  3. Save the changes to the “settings.gradle” file.
Note: Make sure to update the "settings.gradle" file to include the new module, or it won't be recognized by Android Studio.

Step 3: Declare the Module Dependency

Now, you’ll need to declare the module dependency in the “build.gradle” file of the module that will use the new module. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the “build.gradle” file of the module that will use the new module.
  2. Add the following line to the “dependencies” section:
    implementation project(':newmodule')
    (Replace “newmodule” with the name of your new module).
  3. Save the changes to the “build.gradle” file.
Note: Make sure to declare the module dependency correctly, or the compiler won't be able to find the new module.

Step 4: Use the Module Inside Another Module

The final step is to use the new module inside another module. To do this, simply import the classes and resources from the new module into the module that will use it.

import com.example.newmodule.MyClass;

public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
  private MyClass myObject;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    myObject = new MyClass();
    // Use the MyClass instance

In this example, we’ve imported the “MyClass” class from the new module and used it in the “MyActivity” class.

Best Practices and Tips

When using a module inside another module, keep the following best practices and tips in mind:

  • Keep it Simple**: Avoid complex module dependencies and keep your module structure simple and easy to understand.
  • Use Meaningful Names**: Choose meaningful names for your modules and classes to avoid confusion and make maintenance easier.
  • Document Your Code**: Document your code and modules to make it easier for others to understand and use them.
  • Test Thoroughly**: Test your modules thoroughly to ensure they work as expected and don’t cause conflicts with other modules.


Using an Android Studio module inside another module is a powerful feature that can help you reuse code, improve organization, and increase development efficiency. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can unlock the full potential of this feature and take your Android development skills to the next level.

Module Description
App Module The main application module that contains the primary code and resources.
New Module A secondary module that contains reusable code and resources.

Remember, the key to successful module usage is to keep your module structure simple, organized, and well-documented. With practice and patience, you’ll be using modules like a pro and taking your Android development skills to new heights!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Using an Android Studio module inside another module can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate this process:

How do I add a module to my Android Studio project?

To add a module to your Android Studio project, go to File > New > New Module, and then select the type of module you want to add (e.g., Android Library, Java Library, etc.). Follow the wizard to create the new module and add it to your project.

How do I reference one module from another in Android Studio?

To reference one module from another, you need to add a dependency to the module you want to use. In your build.gradle file, add the following code: `implementation project(path: ‘:module-name’)`, replacing `module-name` with the name of the module you want to reference.

Can I use a module from a different project in my Android Studio project?

Yes, you can use a module from a different project in your Android Studio project. You can do this by adding the module as a dependency using a Gradle repository or by importing the module as a library.

How do I configure my build.gradle file to use a module from another module?

To configure your build.gradle file to use a module from another module, you need to add a dependency to the module you want to use. In your build.gradle file, add the following code: `implementation project(path: ‘:module-name:submodule-name’)`, replacing `module-name` and `submodule-name` with the names of the modules.

What are some common issues I might encounter when using an Android Studio module inside another module?

Some common issues you might encounter when using an Android Studio module inside another module include version conflicts, dependency issues, and build errors. Make sure to check your build.gradle files and module dependencies to resolve any issues.